Monday, September 26, 2011

Human Skull - jugular foramen (of temporal bone)

The probe is pointing to a jugular foramen, a relatively large, weirdly shaped (i.e. non-circular) opening at the base of the skull (view is from the underside of the skull). There is one jugular foramen on each side of the base of the skull, contralateral to foramen magnum. Jugular foramen can be distinguished from other foramina/holes by remembering that the jugular foramina are located immediately lateral to the occipital condyles (the 2 obvious "nubs" on the foramen magnum).

Alternate view: here is an interior top-down view of the jugular foramen not taken from class. From this view, it is clear that the jugular foramen is located posterior to the petrous part of temporal bone.

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